PDUs and Contact Hours

As a PMP how many PDUs (Professional Development Units) will I earn?

Both the Mentor and/or Mentee, if they are a PMP, can each earn PDU’s as follows:


PMP Mentor

PMP Mentee

Training Day (Mandatory)33
Mentoring for 6 months @ 4 hours per month24*24*
Review - Mid Session3**3**
Lessons Learned - Closure3***3***
Total PDUs Claimed3333

* You can earn 24 PDU’s (8 Technical / 8 Leadership / 8 Strategic) for the actual 1:1 mentoring part of the program. You are not obligated to spend four (4) hours per month, although it is considered the best way to achieve 24 PDUs. 1 PDU is defined as 1 hour of face-to-face, phone conversation or real-time communication between the mentor and mentee.

** The mid-review session will be scheduled on April 10, 2021. 

*** The lessons learned closure session is a face-to-face meeting to celebrate learnings and redefine the mentoring relationship – scheduled for June 19, 2021.

I am working on obtaining my PMP designation, can I claim mentoring as part of the required 35 contact hours of Project Management Education towards my PMP qualifications?

No. Unfortunately, mentoring programs do not qualify for the 35 contact hour requirement. The contact hour portion of the PMP application is specifically focused on structured learning programs addressing specific PM knowledge areas in a classroom setting.

If I obtain a PMP status during the mentoring program, will I be eligible for PDUs?

For new PMP’s, the PDUs will be divided into quarters and you will be eligible for a relative number of PDUs from the quarter during which the PMP status was obtained to the end of the program.

How will the Mentoring PDUs be tracked and awarded?

At the mentoring training session, tracking forms will be distributed and their usage explained. Quarterly, each mentor /mentee will keep their tracking forms up-to-date. Note that mentor or mentee must still submit their PDUs to PMI as per normal PMI procedures to claim the PDUs.

How do I get my PDUs?

Upon completion of the mentoring program, you will submit your PDUs through the normal PMI procedures.

Can I earn more or less than 24 PDUs for the mentoring program?

You can only earn 24 PDUs for the actual Mentoring program. If you put in more than 24 hours, you still will be able to claim only 24 PDUs.

What time is and is NOT considered eligible for PDU credits?

The following activities are considered eligible for PDUs: time spent together by both Mentor and Mentee discussing project management topics, best practices, advising and coaching in face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings, online chat & telephone conversation.

The following activities are NOT considered eligible for PDUs; preparation work, e-mails and reading.

If I complete my 24 hours of contact time before the program ends, can I claim them earlier?

PDUs can be claimed throughout the mentoring program year.

For which year will I be able to claim PDUs?

The current calendar year. The program starts in January and ends in June.

My PMP certification is dependent on receiving PDUs in 2021, what can I do?

Please contact the Mentoring Coordinator for consideration as a “hardship” case. Any PDUs awarded will be governed by PMI guidelines.

To which category do the earned PDUs apply?

All PDUs earned during the mentoring program can be claimed under Education / Course or Training in the CCRS.


If I don’t meet the criteria for 24 hours of contact time, what can I do?

Only the completed hours can be claimed. In order to claim PDUs for remaining hours, you must complete activities with your mentor or mentee as per the mentoring program guidelines.



What does my registration fee cover?

The fee covers training costs and administrative costs associated with the program. 

What is the fee for the mentoring program?

The fee is $99 + HST. Credit card payment is preferred and facilities will be provided for online payment through the PMI Toronto website. Alternate means of payment (cheque, cash etc.) may be arranged with the PMI Toronto office.

Why is the fee the same for Mentors and Mentee?

The fee is to cover training, catering and administration. Feedback from previous years indicates equal value is received from the program by mentors and mentees.

Who pays the fee?

Only those mentors and mentees that are matched and notified are charged the fee.

Can I get my money back?

Your money will not be refunded after the mentor/mentee training session has occurred.