Online Chapter Meeting - Put on Your Mask AND Cape! Own the New Normal

Power Skills

Please note: this Chapter Meeting will be via web/live streaming only.


Right now, people are hurting because of uncertainty, change in working conditions, loss of employment or reduced work. Many are worried about physical and mental health, for themselves and their families. Some people are paralyzed by bad news. It is causing anxiety. Some people are waiting for things to change. Many feel powerless because they can’t do what they normally do, so they do nothing.

We will discuss how to step into a more powerful persona to help you succeed in your current job, or get hired if you need a job. You will learn techniques that will help you easily put on your cape and increase your confidence to help you achieve better business results and breakthrough roadblocks to your success.

Session Benefits:

1. Identify self-sabotaging thoughts and actions so you can begin to recognize and minimize their impact.

2. Learn three strategies to “own the new normal” including the “Personal Power Model”

3. Evidence of the power of these principles will be shared in stories.


Spencer HornSpencerHeadshot_LtBlue_Smile.png

Businesses internationally look to Spencer as an enthusiastic, insightful source for counsel and advice on developing productive and focused corporate cultures. Spencer is able to draw upon his 28 years of executive experience to reenergize seasoned and emerging professionals and increase organizational effectiveness. He inspires change, to develop: a powerful culture, effective communication, high performing teams and engagement.

Spencer is the President of Altium Leadership. He has previously been CEO of leadership development company and Vice President of a NASDAQ company, which developed IMAX theaters in tourist destinations. There he worked with major organizations such as IMAX Corp., National Geographic Television, Radio City Productions, Disney Films and more. He has been speaking professionally since 2009. He spoke at 64 events in 2019. He has been speaking and presenting at PMI chapter development conferences since 2010 and has been a regular speaker at the PMI Leadership Institute Meeting (LIM) North America Conference, since 2014. He is consistently one of the highest rated speakers for the yearlong, PMI Leadership Institute Master Class (LIMC) since 2015.

He is a co-author of the "Speakers on Life" anthology "The Power of the Platform" along with Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Brian Tracy and more.

He holds a bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in economics from the University of Utah. He is a certified team coaching facilitator through Team Coaching International and a certified Professional Dynametric Programs trainer and administrator through PDP Global. Spencer has been married to his amazing wife, Jana, for more than 33 years. She is his partner and COO of Altium Leadership. Together they have five beautiful children and five grandchildren.


6:30 PM - Introduction

6:35 PM - Announcements

6:50 PM - Presentation

8:10 PM - Q&A

8:30 PM - Wrap Up

Fees: (Subject to HST)

PMI Toronto Members (login prior to registering) - Complimentary

Non-Members and Guests - $10.00

PDUs: 1.0 Leadership




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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Other

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: June 29th, 2020

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:30PM

# of PDUs: 1



Non-Members & Guests: $10.00


Online Webinar