1) The Evolving World of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion & 2) Adapt, Adopt and Thrive: The Robot Revolution, Agile and their Impact on Your Profession

Business Acumen

The evolving world of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

PMI Toronto is honoured to partner with Professional Engineers Ontario  - East Toronto Chapter (PEO-ETC) to bring you PEO President Marisa Sterling. We will be in conversation with her on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Society & Engineering.

Adapt, Adopt and Thrive: The Robot Revolution, Agile and their Impact on Your Profession

The next Industrial Revolution is upon us. Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, digital this and digital that. Incorporating change? Improving your skills? Come see a different perspective on the future in this fun, interactive session, and see how you may need to adjust your thinking. Be prepared to view the world in a different way. Learn why specific change details are less important than applying a personal approach to adaptation.


6:30 PM - Introduction
6:40 PM - In Conversation with PEO President Marisa Sterling
7:15 PM - Presentation - Mike Palladino
8:00 PM - Q&A
8:10 PM - Wrap Up 

Fees: (Subject to HST)
PMI Toronto Members (login prior to registering) - Complimentary
Non-Members and Guests - $10.00

PDUs: 1.5 


Speaker Bios:


Marisa Sterling, P.Eng., FEC



Marisa Sterling is a distinguished engineer and academic administrator. She has over 20 years of experience working and volunteering in the engineering field, in both the private and public sectors. Most recently she served as the elected vice president of PEO and is currently the assistant dean and director of diversity, inclusion and professionalism at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Sterling previously worked in the consumer products industry in R&D and brand management, and for PEO as manager of enforcement and lead of the repeal of the industrial exception. Her extensive strategic and operational stewardship has positively impacted students and engineers. Through the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education, a charity where she served as president for 8 years, she has helped develop student knowledge and skills. Sterling has also advanced EIT leadership development by helping create PEO’s G. Gordon M. Sterling Engineering Intern Award, named after her late father, who was also a PEO president. With the advancements of technology, she has been championing the Engineering Change Lab to find ways to transform the engineering community to better serve the people of Ontario. A chemical engineer from the University of Toronto and a member of the Oxford Business Alumni Network, Sterling received the University of Toronto’s Arbor Award in 2015, the Engineers Canada Meritorious Service Award for Community Service in 2016, named a Woman of Distinction by the Canadian National Exhibition Association in 2016, made a fellow of Engineers Canada in 2017 and received the Canada 150 Heritage Pin in 2018. In her spare time, she enjoys being a Warden of Camp 1 and annually obligating students and graduates who have the academic qualifications for the P.Eng. licence.


Mike Palladino


Mike Palladino is a Project Management and Agile professional with broad international experience across several industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Banking, Travel, Music, and Supply Chain. He is the Director of the Agile Center of Excellence at Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals and is responsible to implement Agile Enterprise wide, Worldwide, helping to accelerate benefits to patients. Mike is an adjunct Professor at Villanova University, the Past President of PMI Delaware Valley Chapter (PMI-DVC), an author for Data Management University and has presented various topics in several countries for over 25 years. He recently received tremendous feedback while speaking at the DIPMF conference in Dubai, Dec 2019, and after his strong presentation in Ukraine last year, has been invited back as this year’s Keynote speaker for 600-700 attendees.




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Type of category: Other

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: September 24th, 2020

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:30PM

# of PDUs: 1.5



Non-Members & Guests: $10.00
